Missionary Adventures in the Amazon Rainforest

Three generations of the same family working with this Venezuelan tribe and now a new film coming out from the tribal leaders themselves to refute the secular anthropologists by showing how walking with Christ has transformed their culture. The Dawson’s went out with New Tribes Mission in ’53 and the film has been reviewed by New Tribes as well to ensure accuracy.

What People are Saying


Simon Romero
Andean Bureau Chief, The New York Times

…a bit of Huck Finn, with an Amazon twist.


Duane Stous
New Tribes Missions missionary and trainer, Retired

…enjoy reading while learning about the problems of preaching the gospel to a people with a different world view


Roger Krenzin
JAARS Missionary Pilot to Africa, South America, and Asia, Retired

will equip and encourage you in your faith, even if you’ve never had the privilege to live in another land.


Christopher Bessette
Writer/Director of the feature film Yai Wanonabalewa: The Enemy God

Imagine a white boy, in “the hood” of this jungle tribe, living, playing and growing up Yanomamo.


Mark Andrew Ritchie
Author, Spirit of the Rainforest

…a story of life with stone-age people, guaranteed to expand the mind even of the most experienced.